Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Surgery is Underway

Its 7:30 am, Courtney is in surgery. They took him back right on time at 7 am. We were all able to be there in the room before he went in. We met the anesthesiologist, she is super nice. She let us know that she would most likely have his breathing tube out before he even comes out of the OR, which was very encouraging. They gave him his Versed (i.e. liquid courage as she called it) before he went back. He was already sleepy and making jokes when they rolled him down the hall. 

We didn't want to eat in front of Courtney so we went downstairs and got us some Starbucks. None of us got much sleep last night, Tyler and I only got 3 hours. Its going to be a long day, but what a relief when he is done! I will update this again as soon as the doctor comes out to update us on his progress in surgery. Any messages you leave, I will deliver to Courtney as soon as he wakes up! 


The Rattans said...

Praying for you Courtney!! We are all thinking about you this morning.

The Rattans said...

Praying for you Courtney!! We are all thinking about you this morning.

Anonymous said...

We're thinking about you here in Canada Courtney.

Anonymous said...

Hello Courtney - it is your name sake :) I have my entire group at church praying for you!!! We also have your entire family in our prayers - can't wait to see you back at work! - Cortney Y.